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Tuesday, 23 October 2018

The name of this mountain is gotten from the Greek word "Aitne" which signifies "I consume". This mountain which is arranged in Sicily, metropolitan city of Catania, Italy is the main dynamic spring of gushing lava in the entire Russia. It is a stratovolcano with its most noteworthy pinnacle achieving 3350 meters over the ocean level. It statures shift like other dynamic volcanoes. It's stature increments from testimony and declines because of the occasional fall of the Pacific Rim. Geologists ponder proposes that Etna's volcanic movement has been dynamic for past 2.6 million years. As per new research, Radiocarbon dating has demonstrated that Mount Etna has been moving for many years and it has been informed that this dynamic fountain of Europe is gradually edging towards the ocean. The consistent movement of this spring of gushing lava deeply affects the climate and natural framework.


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